- Collaborative research charts course to hundreds of new nitrides
- A new force for optical tweezers awakens
- Vest helps athletes keep their cool
- Researchers take two steps toward green fuel
- Immortal quantum particles
- ‘Hidden’ phases of matter revealed through the power of light
- Crash with Antlia 2 gave the Milky Way the ripples in its outer disc, new evidence shows
- Gemini Planet Imager analyzes 300 stars
- Rare ‘superflares’ could one day threaten Earth
- Novel de-noising method generates sharper photorealistic images faster
- This chip was demoed at Jeff Bezos’s secretive tech conference. It could be key to the future of AI.
- Optimizing the engineering life cycle requires digital transformation
- Who’s going to regulate AI? It might be you.
- The man who helped invent virtual assistants thinks they’re doomed without a new AI approach
- The out-there AI ideas designed to keep the US ahead of China
- Asia’s AI agenda: AI for business
- Getting smart about the future of AI
- Police across the US are training crime-predicting AIs on falsified data
- This is why AI has yet to reshape most businesses
- DeepMind wants to teach AI how to play a card game that’s harder than Go
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending January 26, 2019)
- How acting as Carrie Fisher’s puppet made a career for Rogue One’s Princess Leia
- Computational linguistics reveals pervasive gender bias in modern English novels
- AI could wreak economic havoc—we need more of it
- Bridging the communications gap between human and machine
- If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Turns out it’s just chance.
- From the factory floor to the OR, robots can make great teammates
- Orbiting Tesla Roadster has 6 percent chance of hitting Earth in the next million years
- This heated jacket uses AI, Alexa, and other buzzwords to keep you perfectly snug
- Kindred AI is using human pilots to do what robots can’t
- Dishcraft Robotics Takes Over Dishwashing From Humans
- Massive 3D Dataset Helps Robots Understand What Things Are
- How the US Military’s Latest Surveillance Technology Was Inspired by Hollywood
- Video Friday: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Tries Dexterous Robot Hands
- T-RHex Is a Hexapod Robot With Microspines on Its Feet
- Robotic Animal Agility
- Sensitive Whiskers Could Make Small Drones Safer
- Jaco Is a Low-Power Robot Arm That Hooks to Your Wheelchair
- Video Friday: Humanoid Robot Digit Takes a Stroll Downtown
- This Robot Ostrich Can Ride Around on Hovershoes
- This is the first ever photo of a black hole
- Ryugu is a heap of space rubble that might unlock the mysteries of water on Earth
- The new media’s role in politics
- It’s time for a Bill of Data Rights
- How to date someone out of your league
- Puzzle Corner’s sole editor: Allan Gottlieb ’67, “The Puzzle Guy”
- Here are some ways to upgrade yourself, one body part at a time
- Former regulator under Obama says more than 1000 ICOs are not following the law
- Here’s how hackers could cause chaos in this year’s US midterm election
- Berkeley, CA is considering an ICO unlike any other
Top Tech News
- Cell structure linked to longevity of slow-growing Ponderosa Pines
- Appearance of deep-sea fish does not signal upcoming earthquake in Japan
- Cool halo gas caught spinning like galactic disks
- Quantum music to my ears
- Wearable device reveals how seals prepare for diving
- Sea otters have low genetic diversity like other threatened species, biologists report
- New manufacturing process for aluminum alloys
- Survivors of breast cancer face increased risk of heart disease
- Egg-sucking sea slug from Florida’s Cedar Key named after Muppets creator Jim Henson
- New study shows how environmental disruptions affected ancient societies
- A cell-killing strategy to slow aging passed its first test this year
- More than 26 million people have taken an at-home ancestry test
- DNA-based molecular computing will pave the way for programmable pills
- Anti-aging medicine is so hot even this controversial idea has investors
- The cartographer of cells
- Does the brain store information in discrete or analog form?
- Gene therapy could free some people from a lifetime of blood transfusions
- A startup is pitching a mind-uploading service that is “100 percent fatal”
- Farmland gene editors want cows without horns, pigs without tails, and business without regulations
- Can’t get new lungs? Try refurbished ones instead.
- A powerful new model could make global warming estimates less vague
- Let’s keep the Green New Deal grounded in science
- Curbing emissions isn’t enough—we need emergency solutions for climate change
- The race to invent the artificial leaf
- The carbon-capture era may finally be starting
- How nuclear weapons research revealed new climate threats
- Tax Overhaul Hammers Clean Energy and Electric Cars
- Trump’s Energy R&D Policies Ignore the Long-Term Impact of Innovation
- Evaporation Engines Could Produce More Power Than Coal, with a Huge Caveat
- Potential Carbon Capture Game Changer Nears Completion
Google News – Tech
- Tech is losing patience with the FTC chair - Punchbowl News
- The tech issues on lawmakers’ agenda - Punchbowl News
- The European Commission Is Assaulting American Tech Companies - Reason
- Starmer is warned against ‘appeasing’ Trump with tax cut for US tech firms - The Guardian
- WBIT Second Round Live Updates: No. 1 Virginia Tech vs Texas Tech Score - Sports Illustrated
- Coaches, Texas Tech basketball teammates love walk-on Jack Francis as much as Red Raider fans -
- Gamecocks Drop Series Finale Against Texas Tech - Fox Carolina
- Tech Sweeps Notre Dame with Another Dominant Win - Georgia Tech
- MTSU drops series finale to LA Tech -
- Tech Spending Sets Up a Power Struggle in the C-Suite - Bloomberg