- The desperate race to cool the ocean before it’s too late
- SpaceX’s test of its Crew Dragon Capsule has ended in smoke
- Facebook is working on a voice assistant to embed within its products
- The first DDoS attack was 20 years ago. This is what we’ve learned since.
- California’s cap-and-trade program may vastly overestimate emissions cuts
- Stanford has cleared its professors over the CRISPR baby scandal
- A meteor that came from another solar system may have hit Earth in 2014
- A 3D-printed heart with blood vessels has been made using human tissue
- Sri Lanka has blocked access to social media to stop the spread of misinformation
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending April 20, 2019)
- The scientist who created CRISPR babies is on Time’s most-influential list—but not in a good way
- Activists are suing Canada over plans to build a smart city in Toronto
- Scientists restored circulation to severed pig brains in step that blurs definition of death
- The UK is going to introduce its controversial porn block on July 15
- AI’s white guy problem isn’t going away
- How the hell are cryptocurrency holders supposed to file their taxes?
- Climate change has already made poor countries poorer and rich countries richer
- West Virginia will allow “blockchain voting” in the 2020 election. That’s a risky idea.
- The scientist who created CRISPR babies is on TIME’s most influential list—but not in a good way
- Activists are suing Canada over plans to build a “smart city” in Toronto
- Scientists have restored circulation to severed pig brains in a step that blurs the definition of death
- CRISPR has been used to treat US cancer patients for the first time
- NASA’s Cassini probe has discovered deep lakes on Saturn’s moon Titan
- This digital scan of Notre Dame offers hope for its restoration after the fire