- NASA might now use a commercial rocket to fly its Orion crew capsule around the moon
- Drones that perch like birds could go on much longer flights
- China may overtake the US with the best AI research in just two years
- Toyota is creating a crewed lunar rover for Japan’s space agency
- NASA’s proposed budget will fund a lunar space station but kill a major rocket upgrade
- Thousands of people are protesting Russia’s new internet bill
- North Korea’s military has stolen more than half a billion dollars in cryptocurrency
- 23andMe thinks polygenic risk scores are ready for the masses, but experts aren’t so sure
- Quantum computing should supercharge this machine-learning technique
- The collision of two distant galaxies was caught in this new Hubble image
- The man behind that Apollo boot print
- An AI for generating fake news could also help detect it
- A quantum experiment suggests there’s no such thing as objective reality
- A little-known AI method can train on your health data without threatening your privacy
- Blockchain boosters warn that regulatory uncertainty is harming innovation
- SpaceX’s Crew Dragon module has splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean
- CRISPR experts are calling for a global moratorium on heritable gene editing
- People’s online photos are being used without consent to train face recognition AI
- There needs to be a crackdown on the big tech firms, says a UK review
- A major flaw has been found in Switzerland’s online voting system
- Palmer Luckey’s firm has won a contract to make VR, AI, and drones for the Pentagon
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending March 9, 2019)
- Elizabeth Warren says it’s time to break up Big Tech
- Facebook says it’s going to make it harder to access anti-vax misinformation