- We now know how much the Milky Way weighs
- Zuckerberg’s new privacy essay shows why Facebook needs to be broken up
- Now any business can access the same type of AI that powered AlphaGo
- Triton is the world’s most murderous malware, and it’s spreading
- The Quadriga story is starting to look like a historic crypto-catastrophe
- There’s probably another planet in our solar system
- IBM has come up with a new way of measuring the progress of quantum computers
- There’s no such thing as a “tech person” in the age of AI
- This NASA image captures the exact moment two jets went supersonic
- Huawei is suing the US government over the ban on its products
- Prisons are using face recognition on visitors to prevent drug smuggling
- China’s masses of data give it an edge in AI—but they may not forever
- China has opened a Mars simulation center to prep for future missions
- China’s social credit system stopped millions of people buying travel tickets
- SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule has now docked with the International Space Station
- SpaceX has successfully launched its Crew Dragon capsule for the first time
- DeepMind is asking how Google helped turn the internet into an echo chamber
- France is about to hit big tech firms like Amazon with a 3% digital tax
- There’s a new way to break quantum cryptography
- About 40% of Europe’s “AI companies” don’t use any AI at all
- The second person ever has been cleared of HIV after a stem cell treatment
- China’s Huawei has big ambitions to weaken the US’s grip on AI leadership
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending March 2, 2019)
- Self-driving cars are coming—but accidents may not be evenly distributed