- We analyzed 16,625 papers to figure out where AI is headed next
- Helping cloud workers cope: Google’s Eve Phillips
- Amazon’s experimental, six-wheel delivery robot is taking to the streets
- Waymo plans to open the world’s first self-driving car factory this year
- Another use of an egg-swapping IVF technique has just been reported in Europe
- France has handed Google a €50 million fine for breaking EU privacy laws
- CRISPR babies are real and the scientist who made them sought “personal fame and fortune”
- A startup that makes 3D printed rockets will now launch from the same site as Apollo
- Technology for workplaces that work: Humanyze’s Ben Waber
- A simple 3D imaging system can capture moving objects at 500,000 frames per second
- The European Space Agency wants to mine the moon for oxygen and water
- Computer science reveals why this headline is not funny
- An algorithm that mimics our tribal instincts could help AI learn to socialize
- Will people ditch cash for cryptocurrency? Japan is about to find out
- AI is sending people to jail—and getting it wrong
- Giving algorithms a sense of uncertainty could make them more ethical
- How AI is changing knowledge work: MIT’s Thomas Malone
- Boeing’s electric autonomous passenger air vehicle just had its first flight
- Where you live in the US can tell you how likely your job is to be automated
- The future of China’s AI industry is in the hands of just three companies
- Bitcoin has “severe” limitations because of the way it keeps itself safe from attackers
- WhatsApp is banning you from forwarding the same message to more than five people
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending January 19, 2019)
- We’re getting closer to being able to track stolen bitcoins