- A neural network can learn to organize the world it sees into concepts—just like we do
- Repeating radio bursts from outside our galaxy have been detected for the second time
- Americans want to regulate AI but don’t trust anyone to do it
- Google Assistant now comes with a real-time translator for 27 languages
- Hackers may have just stolen $1 million from the Ethereum Classic blockchain in a “51%” attack
- Cheaper AI for everyone is the promise with Intel and Facebook’s new chip
- Electric nanoparticles can target and kill cancer cells by zapping them
- German politicians have had their details hacked and then dumped online
- Congress is about to renew its ban on creating CRISPR babies in the US
- When Chinese hackers declared war on the rest of us
- Opioid overdoses could be prevented by an app that listens to breathing
- Smart cities could be lousy to live in if you have a disability
- IBM has just unveiled this cool-looking quantum computer—but will hide it in the cloud
- CRISPR might soon create spicy tomatoes by switching on their chili genes
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending January 5, 2019)
- Five emerging cyber-threats to worry about in 2019
- Who’s sharing fake news on Facebook? Older Republicans
- We are starting to wreck the environment around our planet now, too
- This algorithm browses Wikipedia to auto-generate textbooks
- The government shutdown has severely weakened cybersecurity in the US
- You can now help IBM’s debating AI come up with its speeches
- The Weather Channel app has been accused of tracking users and then selling their data
- The future of work still requires people—so stop investing in them at your own peril
- Data mining adds evidence that war is baked into the structure of society