- China is about to land a spacecraft on the dark side of the moon
- Machine learning identifies cryptocurrency scams before they happen
- Your smartphone’s AI algorithms could tell if you are depressed
- I tested an AI sales assistant that’s trained to push you into spending more
- Inside the world of AI that forges beautiful art and terrifying deepfakes
- Despite CRISPR baby controversy, Harvard University will begin gene-editing sperm
- US Army soldiers will soon wear Microsoft’s HoloLens AR goggles in combat
- Can you make an AI that isn’t ableist?
- How AI can save your photos from photo-bombers
- A NASA space probe has just arrived at the asteroid Beppu to study it
- AI software can dream up an entire digital world from a simple sketch
- AI has a culturally-biased worldview that Google has a plan to change
- A mass ride-sharing launch will put cremated remains, satellites, and art into space
- Four billion people lack an address. Machine learning could change that.
- Why the “y’all” line divides the US north from south, not east from west
- Lion Air pilots battled the plane’s new automated anti-stall system before crash
- An app can tell if you might have anemia by looking at your fingernails
- DeepMind’s AI system will accelerate drug discovery by predicting how proteins fold
- A startup is about to test a ‘gas station in space’ that could one day refuel satellites
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending December 1, 2018)
- How to check if you’re affected by the Marriott mega data breach
- US to foreign cybercriminals: we’re watching your Bitcoin transactions
- Making AI algorithms crazy fast using chips powered by light
- A second CRISPR pregnancy is already under way, claims rogue Chinese scientist