- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending September 8, 2018)
- Running quantum algorithms in the cloud just got a lot faster
- Facebook and Twitter, but not Google, appear before Congress
- Human translators are still on top—for now
- Google released the first bilingual AI assistant
- One secret to building affordable nuclear: stick with tried-and-true designs
- Physicists hack the human visual system to create “ghost images”
- Uber is jumping into the scooter wars
- British Airways hack could provoke the wrath of the GDPR
- America to North Korea: We’ve spied your hacking spy
- Europe’s proposed law could require streaming services to hit local content quotas
- Four questions Silicon Valley should expect from Capitol Hill
- The US Army is building drones that never need to land
- Easy-to-make videos can show you dancing like the stars
- Venezuela’s new cryptocurrency doesn’t seem to exist
- Apple has bought an augmented reality company
- Wall Street’s embrace could break Bitcoin
- Uber is going to start using drivers’ phones to detect crashes
- Theranos is shutting down
- Get ready for atomic radio
- Net neutrality gets a victory in California
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending September 1, 2018)
- Microsoft is making its suppliers give paid parental leave
- Virtual drug trials will let you join a test from the comfort of your own home