- The World Economic Forum warns that AI may destabilize the financial system
- AI can spot your eye disease with 94.5 percent accuracy
- The Parker Solar Probe has kicked off its mission to touch the sun
- The World Bank is betting big on blockchain-based bonds
- Why security experts hate that “blockchain voting” will be used in the midterm elections
- Hackers could turn your garden sprinklers into a cyber weapon
- Magic Leap’s headset is real, but that may not be enough
- China aims to dominate 5G mobile technology—and it’s off to a strong start
- Intel’s ‘Foreshadow’ flaws are the latest sign of the chipocalypse
- Why AI researchers shouldn’t turn their backs on the military
- Amazon’s one-day delivery promises may have been a little too good to be true
- A small team of student AI coders beats Google’s machine learning code
- Mike Pence says Space Force will be established by 2020
- An Airbus drone has set the record for the longest continuous flight within Earth’s atmosphere
- Cybersecurity’s insidious new threat: workforce stress
- Ford is deploying exoskeletons in 15 of its factories around the world
- Think it’s hot now? Heat waves will become even more likely in the next few years
- How to get Google to stop tracking your location for real
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending August 11, 2018)
- Facebook blocks the sharing of 3-D printable firearm models on its platform
- New York City has hit Uber with a cap on new cars
- US scientist who edited human embryos with CRISPR responds to critics
- Researchers taught a drone to herd birds away from airports
- Pump-and-dump hucksters are playing crypto investors for fools