- AI can now tell your boss what skills you lack–and how you can get them
- The first astronauts have been selected for a ride on commercial rockets
- The owner of the New York Stock Exchange is jumping head first into cryptocurrency
- Tesla is making its own AI chips
- How to turn a kitchen microwave into a plasma-etching device
- Data-mining medieval text reveals medically bioactive ingredients
- Kelvin Droegemeier may soon be America’s new top science and technology policy advisor
- Democrats call for a review of face recognition tech
- Facebook wants banks to hand over customers’ financial information
- Meet the guy with four arms, two of which someone else controls in VR
- Ontario is axing its test of universal basic income
- Apple is the world’s first trillion-dollar company, thanks in large part to China
- Even Alphabet is having trouble reinventing smart cities
- Online distribution of 3-D-printed gun models blocked by federal judge … for now
- Why Uber put the brakes on its self-driving trucks
- America is launching a new body to tackle cyber threats to key infrastructure
- Google is looking at bringing its cloud business to China
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending August 4, 2018)
- This new Ethereum-based “assassination market” platform could cause Napster-size legal headaches
- Facebook will now remind you how much of your life you spend staring at it
- CRISPR creates new species with single giant chromosome
- Waymo’s self-driving cars will serve as a link to public transit
- Facebook has uncovered a coordinated effort to influence politics ahead of the 2018 midterm elections
- Drive.ai’s autonomous vehicle pilot program launches today