- Russian agents allegedly used Bitcoin to fund the DNC hack
- ESPN is going to air the first esports league final match ever in prime time
- Facebook’s AI tourist finds its way around New York City by asking for help from another algorithm
- The US government claims it’s swabbing the cheeks of immigrants to match them using DNA
- A better way to measure magnetic fields could make fetal heart problems easier to detect
- Tesla says it will build a factory in China that can produce 500,000 cars a year
- The UK wants an electric vehicle charger in every home
- Twitter is booting more than a million fake accounts a day
- Forget about VR in the living room; this summer it’s on waterslides and in arcades
- India’s new net neutrality regime puts the US to shame
- These anti-aging pills look like they’re actually working
- Loon and Wing are becoming the Alphabet’s newest businesses
- The files you need to make your own gun can now be legally shared online
- Snapchat has a hidden visual search function
- China is giving Daimler the keys to test self-driving cars on its roads
- A replacement for traffic lights gets its first test
- Uber is right to rethink its self-driving operations
- Meet Oasis Labs, the blockchain startup Silicon Valley is buzzing about
- Magic Leap promises to ship its headset this summer
- The US may have just pulled even with China in the race to build supercomputing’s next big thing
- Saudi Arabian women are getting gigs as ride-hailing drivers
- Another fitness app reveals data that can be used to identify soldiers and spies
- The tech behind the Thailand cave rescue
- First evidence that amino acids formed soon after the Big Bang