- The machine vision challenge to better analyze satellite images of Earth
- Papua New Guinea has imposed a month-long Facebook ban
- Self-serving cryptocurrency miners are attacking small blockchain networks
- HoloLens can now guide the blind through complicated buildings
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending May 26, 2018)
- GDPR is finally here and it’s already chaos
- Uber’s autonomous vehicle saw pedestrian six seconds before fatal accident, but failed to react
- Apple gets into the autonomous vehicle race…sort of
- A carbon capture “game changer” power plant just passed its first big test
- It’s fiction, but America just got wiped out by a man-made terror germ
- Intel is under investigation for being ageist
- GDPR was just the beginning—the next big fight in data protection is ePrivacy
- Yes, Alexa is recording mundane details of your life, and it’s creepy as hell
- Now playing: a movie you control with your mind
- Robot worries could cause a 50,000-worker strike in Las Vegas
- California is throttling back record levels of solar—and that’s bad news for climate goals
- Nvidia wants to dominate the AI cloud arms race
- Facebook wants AI-powered chips to stop people from streaming suicides and murders
- A stem cell transplant in the womb appears to have saved a baby girl’s life
- Apple wants your iPhone to be able to unlock your front door
- Another AI-powered device gets the FDA’s blessing
- Microsoft is creating an oracle for catching biased AI algorithms
- Machine learning could stop an online war of words before it starts
- Russian hackers are targeting Ukraine (again)