- The top 12 cryptocurrencies and what they are—and aren’t—good for
- The daunting math of climate change means we’ll need carbon capture
- Why artificial intelligence might trigger a nuclear war
- The tricky art (and emerging science) of valuing crypto-assets
- The world needs blockchains that blend idealism with pragmatism
- Maybe we should ask about Google’s data privacy, too
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending April 21, 2018)
- Alibaba is developing its own AI chips, too
- Robots are going to redefine Japan’s skylines
- Poor nations will feel climate change before rich ones
- A worldwide conservation effort aims to sequence the genomes of 1.5 million organisms
- Data mining confirms that culture makes cities richer
- How to fix one of Bitcoin’s biggest problems
- A glossary of blockchain jargon
- If we weren’t the first industrial civilization on Earth, would we ever know?
- A 2017 audit said Facebook’s data practices were A-OK
- Jeff Bezos wants to help you get your junk in your trunk
- New EU privacy laws could actually boost Facebook and Google
- Tezos had a $200 million ICO. Then the lawsuits started. Now the CEO tells her side.
- The health sector is being struck by cyber espionage
- Amazon is said to be building home robots
- Explainer: What is a blockchain?
- AI expert salaries are topping $1 million—even at non-profits
- The US-China tech trade war is getting dialed up a notch