- Now China wants to clean up its social media, too
- Mood disorders could be diagnosed by the way you fiddle with your phone
- This stem-cell implant could halt an incredibly common cause of vision loss
- Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t like the EU’s strict new data rules enough to use them everywhere
- Already “AI first,” Google just decided to up the algorithmic ante
- MIT severs ties to company promoting fatal brain uploading
- Why getting back to the moon is so damn hard
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending March 31, 2018)
- Shaping the Future of Travel
- Big Tech may be dragged into America’s gun control debate
- Big organizations may like killer robots, but workers and researchers sure don’t
- The city of Seoul dreams of its own government-backed cryptocurrency
- Trump’s feud with Amazon could have wider effects on the US economy
- Zipline launches the world’s fastest commercial delivery drone
- The president of France wants is promoting AI, European style
- Smart cryptography may help limit the damage from the MyFitnessPal megabreach
- Amazon has a lot to lose if the US president chases its government cloud contracts
- Internet “power user” Mark Zuckerberg knows Facebook has issues
- Trump unveiled the high-tech Chinese products hit by his tariffs—so China struck right back
- Self-driving truck are coming—and this law just made things even worse for truckers
- Apple ditching Intel chips in Macs would be a smart, but damaging, move
- Your own devices will give the next Cambridge Analytica far more power to influence your vote
- Only 14 percent of the world has to worry about robots taking their jobs (…yay?)
- CRISPR may not cause hundreds of rogue mutations after all