- Seriously, how are Uber and Lyft drivers surviving?
- There’s a new way to have robots learn from their mistakes
- You can apply to your next job on Facebook
- Robot baristas can make coffee—but that doesn’t mean people have to like them
- Facebook is dead serious about getting you reading more local news
- DeepMind’s new project aims to prevent hospital deaths
- Almost half of last year’s ICOs already failed
- A new AI creates original video clips from text cues
- Human brains can be hacked like computers with adversarial examples
- AI can beat us at games—but sometimes, that’s by cheating
- Russia wants you to hate GMOs
- This spherical robot is an AI assistant for the International Space Station
- Amazon is trying to make Alexa more chatty—but it’s very, very difficult
- Meet the woman who searches out search engines’ bias against women and minorities
- Relying on renewables alone would significantly raise the cost of overhauling the energy system
- The high-tech medicine of the future may be biased in favor of well-off white men
- A massive study of family trees finds no gene for longevity
- A simple robo-carpenter can make you some flat-pack furniture
- A new algorithm can mimic your voice with just snippets of audio
- Ride-hailing is pulling people off public transit and clogging up roads
- Autonomous cars can cruise without a safety driver in California from April
- Old tech firms could be poised to make a comeback
- A Chinese carmaker hopes a $9 billion slice of Daimler will help it go electric and autonomous
- US officials say that Russia hacked the Olympics