- Hello, quantum world
- Facebook has been sharing user data with Stanford to study US inequality
- This video game wants to be a fake news vaccine
- Russian meddling indictments stoke fears that midterms will bring more of the same
- Why even a moth’s brain is smarter than an AI
- Goodbye, census—hello, Street View
- A detailed virtual house will help robots train to become your butler
- CRISPR could enable quick, reliable medical tests
- A smarter smart city
- A North Korean hacking team has become an international threat
- SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket could help humans mine more asteroids
- Human-sheep chimeras won’t grow us replacement organs just yet
- The Best of the Physics arXiv (week ending February 17, 2018)
- Here’s how automation will hollow out the American economy
- New drone-meets-helicopter incidents may spur tighter airspace rules
- Gene-altering treatments are medicine’s best shot yet against Huntington’s disease
- The “Black Mirror” scenarios that are leading some experts to call for more secrecy on AI
- Our love of batteries is helping exploitative cobalt mines turn more profit
- Elon Musk’s Boring Company will start digging a tunnel in Washington DC
- Terrible people have learned to exploit the internet. Yasmin Green is fighting back.
- Russians accused of information warfare used tech to whip up controversy and cover their tracks
- Germany says it won’t use killer robots, but soldiers are torn
- Researchers are struggling to replicate AI studies
- I thought VR would make watching Olympic snowboarding awesome. Sadly, it sucked.