- Most triggers for irregular heartbeat can be easily modified
- More protein and fewer calories help older people lose weight safely
- Researchers characterize mechanism of action of CAR T cells
- Antidepressant could stop deadly sepsis, study suggests
- Suspicious spots on the lungs do not behave like metastases of rhabdomyosarcoma
- ‘Lack of cleaning’ in brain cells is central to Alzheimer’s disease
- How proteins become embedded in a cell membrane
- Study affirms self-reported sleep duration as a useful health measure in children
- Statins could protect against motor neuron disease
- Diet could help runners beat stomach issues
- Brain pathways of aversion identified
- Neural processing with trauma and adversity interact to increase core symptom of PTSD
- New molecules reverse memory loss linked to depression, aging
- The language of conversation impacts on the ‘synchronization’ of our brains
- Cell study sheds light on damage caused by aging
- The more the merrier? Children with multiple siblings more susceptible to bullying
- New method uses fluorescence to identify disease-causing forms of proteins
- Animal venoms are sources in the search for new medicines
- Decolonization protocol can prevent dangerous infections among discharged hospital patients
- Diet drinks may be associated with strokes among post-menopausal women
- Social threat learning influences our decisions
- Platinum nanoparticles for selective treatment of liver cancer cells
- Immunological scarring from celiac disease
- Genetic variations in a fourth gene linked to elevated leukemia risk in Hispanic children