- Why children struggle with the ‘cocktail party effect’
- Do we have an epidemic? Enhancing disease surveillance using a health information exchange
- Pitch perfect: Brain differences behind a rare musical ability
- Spinal cord is ‘smarter’ than previously thought
- Benefits of delayed cord clamping in healthy babies
- Antibody could increase cure rate for blood, immune disorders
- Potent marijuana edibles can pose a major unrecognized risk to patients with cardiovascular disease
- New target to prevent, treat alcoholism identified
- Learning a second alphabet for a first language
- Is our personality affected by the way we look? (Or the way we think we look?)
- Connection between home energy efficiency and respiratory health in low-income homes
- Surrounded by low achievers:High on positive emotions?
- New research insights hold promise for kids with DMD
- Inexpensive supplement for women increases infant birth size
- Your genes could impact the quality of your marriage
- Higher sodium intake associated with increased lightheadedness in the context of the DASH-sodium trial
- Grocery-store based nutrition education improves eating habits
- Researchers 3D bio-print a model that could lead to improved anticancer drugs and treatments
- Acoustic waves can monitor stiffness of living cells
- New role for death molecule
- Shameful secrets bother us more than guilty secrets
- More than half a million breast cancer deaths averted in the US over three decades
- How exercise may protect against Alzheimer’s
- Bridging the ‘liking-gap,’ researchers discuss awkwardness of conversations