- The novel method Nested CRISPR enables efficient genome editing using long DNA fragments
- Study reveals the hidden contributions of women to a branch of science
- Researchers develop prostate cancer prediction tool that has unmatched accuracy
- More than enough on our plates
- Male Y chromosomes not ‘genetic wastelands’
- Hearing and deaf infants process information differently
- Why your kid’s strep throat keeps coming back
- HIV drug could treat Alzheimer’s, age-associated disorders
- Stalled fertility declines linked to disruptions in women’s education in Africa
- Interaction between two immune cell types could be key to better dengue vaccines
- Folliculin mutations disrupt embryo implantation
- Vitamin D helps treat lethal drug-resistant TB
- Cilostazol-combo antiplatelet therapy reduced risk for recurrent stroke
- Effects of teenage motherhood may last multiple generations
- Unfamiliar words, not blue text, slows reading of hyperlinks
- Neutrophils escort circulating tumor cells
- Body building supplement could be bad for the brain
- Mental illness not to blame for gun violence, study finds
- How microbes produce key compound used to fight cancer
- Being kind to yourself has mental and physical benefits
- In their DNA: Rotator cuff stem cells more likely to develop into fat cells
- Heavy drinking in teens causes lasting changes in emotional center of brain
- Climate change poses greater risk of mental health challenges for children born to depressed mothers
- Cancer: Nullifying protein YTHDF1 enhances anti-tumor response