- An unexpected mode of action for an antibody
- Effectively collecting tiny droplets for biomedical analysis and beyond
- Sleep apnea creates gaps in life memories
- New knowledge could help predict and prevent depression
- Nano-encapsulation technology enhances DHA absorption for early brain development
- Nearly half of all adult Americans have cardiovascular disease
- Females find social interactions to be more rewarding than males, study reveals
- Sexing ancient cremated human remains is possible through skeletal measurements
- Researchers breathe new life into COPD research using mouse models
- Pinpointing the cells that control the brain’s memory flow
- Children exposed to air pollution at school may be at greater risk of overweight and obesity
- Risk aversion rises with violent crime
- Cooking chemistry minus heat equals new non-toxic adhesive
- Critical new clues about what goes awry in autistic brains
- Going for an MRI scan with tattoos?
- Difference in brain connectivity may explain autism spectrum disorder
- Insecticide resistance genes affect vector competence for West Nile virus
- Dynamic aspirin: Molecular vibrations drive electrons over large distances
- High-dose radiation therapy improves long-term survival in patients with stage-IV cancers, trial finds
- Pinpointing a cause of pigmentary glaucoma
- Americans concerned about weight, but don’t understand link to heart conditions, health
- Athletes can rest easy: Extreme exercise does not raise heart disease risk or mortality, study shows
- Data show no evidence that teens’ social media use predicts depression over time
- Exercise may improve thinking skills in people as young as 20