- Differences among brain neurons that coincide with psychiatric conditions
- Scientists make strides in creation of clinical-grade bone
- A new way by which the human brain marks time
- Back to the future with CD4 testing: Improving HIV care in low- and middle-income countries
- Part-time working mothers with flexible schedules end up doing more work without pay
- How Candida albicans exploits lack of oxygen to cause disease
- Effects of linoleic acid on inflammatory response depend on genes
- Personality type could shape attitudes toward body weight of others, researchers say
- Difficulties with audiovisual processing contributes to dyslexia in children
- Potential therapeutic target for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Pioneering surgery restores movement to children paralyzed by acute flaccid myelitis
- Gene expression study sheds new light on African Salmonella
- Nerve cells made from skin cells are a valid lab model for studying disease
- Researchers raise bar for successful management of severe atopic dermatitis
- Mathematical model can improve our knowledge on cancer
- Protein alteration controls cell’s response to stress, immunity and lifespan
- Vaccine-preventable infections in pediatric transplant patients
- Assessing the performance of multiple influenza forecasting models
- Medical detection dogs help diabetes patients regulate insulin levels
- Gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 shown to limit impact of certain parasitic diseases
- Scientists have identified a bone marrow backup system
- Defective glial cells can push neurons toward Parkinson’s disease
- New immune response regulators
- Helping anxious students excel on science exams