- Biomimetics: Artificial receptor distinguishes between male and female hormones
- Light, physical activity reduces brain aging
- New method to detect off-target effects of CRISPR
- How do we make moral decisions?
- Brain’s imperfect execution of mathematically optimal perception
- Certain strains of bacteria associated with diabetic wounds that do not heal
- Growing a cerebral tract in a microscale brain model
- RNA sequencing used to discover novel genes and pathways in celiac disease
- Was the restaurant really that bad — Or was it just the rain?
- People with heart disease at risk when pharmacies close
- Marijuana users weigh less, defying the munchies
- Behavioral disorders in kids with autism linked to reduced brain connectivity
- Does time of day affect the body’s response to exercise?
- Study shows promise in repairing damaged myelin
- Infection biology: Gut microbe helps thwart Salmonella
- Making digital tissue imaging better
- Study finds that quitting smoking during pregnancy lowers risk of preterm births
- Discovery may help explain why women get autoimmune diseases far more often than men
- On-chip drug screening for identifying antibiotic interactions in eight hours
- How the hepatitis B virus establishes persistent infection
- Genetic variants that protect against obesity could aid new weight loss medicines
- New immune pathway involved in resistance to parasite worms found in undercooked pork
- Scientists advance creation of ‘artificial lymph node’ to fight cancer, other diseases
- General anesthesia hijacks sleep circuitry to knock you out