- Thwarting oil-pipeline corrosion by identifying a nanoscale villain
- Hackproofing smart meters
- Increase in education specialists in university science departments
- Dowsing for electric fields in liquid crystals
- Exomoons may be home to extra-terrestrial life
- Water filters, efficient cookstoves improve health in vulnerable Rwandan populations
- Hearing through your fingers: Device that converts speech
- A more accurate, low-cost 39 GHz beamforming transceiver for 5G communications
- New computer attack mimics user’s keystroke characteristics and evades detection
- New method for engineering metabolic pathways
- Metal foam stops .50 caliber rounds as well as steel — at less than half the weight
- Chemists could make ‘smart glass’ smarter by manipulating it at the nanoscale
- 2D crystals conforming to 3D curves create strain for engineering quantum devices
- Plastic water bottles may one day fly people cross-country
- ESO contributes to protecting Earth from dangerous asteroids
- Accurate probing of magnetism with light
- Jam-packed: A novel microscopic approach to amorphous solids
- Molecular bait can help hydrogels heal wounds
- UV light may illuminate improvements for next generation electronic devices
- Building blocks of the Earth
- Trap-and-release accelerates study of swimming ciliated cells
- Key obstacles to scaling up DNA data storage
- New interaction between thin film magnets discovered
- Laser technique could unlock use of tough material for next-generation electronics